Apple’s next hit product is just a whisper away - World of Tech Science

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Sunday 27 January 2019

Apple’s next hit product is just a whisper away

Next-generation AirPod 2 smart earbards are on the way and will enhance their existing listening skills with new health-related features, claims of reports.

Bone in my ear
AirPods do not use bone-fighting techniques to make their sounds (yet), but they do an excellent job by which you listen to music, podcasts, conversations or even voice over / switch controls without user interface cues Of stars With significant beginnings, Apple's staggering hit product has been well-sold.

Very accurate Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo thinks Apple has sold 44 million airports since launch. Early this year, Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed that "Weirbrushes" (including Apple Watch) are already generating more revenue than iPods.

What will Apple's new earbards do?
Apple has long been searching for use of earbuds as a health monitoring solution.

Until 2014, an Apple patented how sensor speed, activity, temperature, sweat and heart rate can be tracked within earbud. Apple Watch has accelerometer, gyroscope and electrical heart rate sensor.

What can the apple give you unique solutions through your ears

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